

Relearning Life After Pain
A life filled with confusion
Dreams twisted with delusion
Escaping through the gap
Frantically trying to get back
Jumping every hurdle and missing it by one
Always assuming and believing it was easy for none

But when the chaos stopped
And everything just ceased
I felt my stomach drop
Like the old me was deceased

A part of me had died
Trying to fight so long
And all those tears I'd cried
From feeling I did not belong

Being told that i was strong
Yet singing the saddest song
Temporary pains felt so long
And finally finding out I wasn't wrong

Medications plagued me with psychosis
Syringes filled with lethal doses
Enabling hypnosis
Pouring into all my veins
Corrupting my aching brain
Bringing shame to my whole name
And somehow I'm the one to blame

How exactly could that be?
How could they not see?
How could they not tell?
Hiding behind a mask so put together
And wrapped ever so tight
Pretending all is well

I'm not able to sleep at night
When nothing in my life feels right
Not knowing who I am and where it all fell apart
But I will say I'm thankful
For the days and nights where I felt shattered
For all the days and nights where I truly felt I never mattered

It all brought me to this new start
To relearn who I am
And who I want to be
This is the one that will finally set me free

🤍🌻🌹Thank you so much for reading! I hope everyone is having a great day. Always remember you're worthy, loved, needed, and your purpose is greater and you are stronger than you think. Wishing everyone the very best🌹🌻🤍

© Sierra321