

My Dream Gift

Flipped through the pages and opened a new chapter,
After reading a few lines I found my favourite character dead.
I sat sadly on the bed,
With a million thoughts in my head.
Why does the author always have to do this.
After a few days finished a book,
looked in my shelf and pulled out a new book.
For my surprise the bookshelf moved and I found myself in a huge room.
It was not any room, it was room with several books in it.
Millions of shelves and billions of books.
The book I dreamt on reading were all in there and even the ones I would love to share.
Romaed a little and found a hidden table with books and books stacked on top.
Then someone tapped on my back and again to my surprise it was my dad.
With a huge laugh he said happy 13 my little one,
I am happy you found your dream room.
Suddenly I woke up from my kindom of dreams and I was kind of unhappy that it was all a dream.

#Mocking_Jay #Poems #Beauty #Books
© Mocking_Jay