

Emotional Whirlpool in my mind
Making me believe I am totally blind
Endless supply of regrets
It gets colder as it gets
Why didn't I do it then forgetting about now
Only thinking about why and forgetting about how
Trying to make the best of choices
When failed even paying its prices
What is real life meant to be
Will future be what we want to see
The biggest fear is what others would think as such
Even if they don't matter that much
Always giving fake assurance to our self that we don't need anyone
But every time we do something thinking about everyone
Some time show off just be on the top
Even if it turns our present and future totally flop
Think is it that important to live with every single guilt
Except for sorrow ans sadness nothing else you have built
Dump all unnecessary emotions out of your heart
As in life it's never lead to have a restart
© virajravianchan