

Voice of Nature
Human being spoilt my beauty,
Towards me, he forgot their duty,
He forgot that he exists because of me,
From his KARMA, how could he flee.

To improve, I gave him many chances,
But he was so busy managing his finances,
Rather he kept disturbing the ecosystem,
Making mother earth a helpless victim.

But then, I found my own way,
To revive myself though after some delay,
Cleared the smoke, refreshed the air,
Also managed to heal the ozone layer.

But I pity human being for he is so helpless,
As to breathe in fresh air, he cannot even go maskless,
Locked down the man and freed the bird,
To revive myself to make a better world.

Stopped economic activities, reduced pollution level,
As the economic rat race had made human a devil,
Since I could not survive one more polluted day,
Yes I found my own way, though with some delay.

© Mamta_Arora