

quitting for winners
How can i lose, when my losses are lessons?
How can "I" die, when my flesh is a vessel?
Living this life to the fullest, love is my only hustle.
Sometimes quitting is for winners.
Like when you can no longer endure the pain, of holding your arm within the flame.
or sticking a needle inside your vein.
You look in the mirror but, you don't feel the same.
Life is like a game with no way to win.
Just hop on in and take it for a spin
Ignore the grim he's stalking the finish line,
Reaping those who thought they could win in time,
so desperate to climb,
you put your life above mine.
So afraid of the fall,
your shaking endangered us all.
So i shift, over to the other side,
and I quit competing, even tho I tried.
i am still here learning,
how I came to find the courage to even climb.

© joshuagame