

- In the Prison of My Body -

Magic touch from above, oh, how I long to be healed, no pain, torment, or suffer,

just the freedom to walk again.

I yearn to be unburdened, to be healthy and self-reliant, no constant need for help, no longer trapped within myself.

just health and independence,

No more pleading for assistance,
No more being trapped in this body of mine.

I crave the touch of sun and rain, to feel their warmth on my skin, but I'm confined to these four walls, bedridden and alone.

Oh, how I pray for a miracle, for that divine touch to come, to release me from this prison of darkness, so I may never feel

trapped again.

In the depths of my despair, I cling to hope, however faint, dreaming of a life where I can once again roam and be me.

Longing for release,
praying for a miracle, a touch that would set me free.

Let me soar, and leave this prison I abhor, release me from this painful plight, but if you can't then please grant me the freedom to take flight, nobody wants to be trapped in the maze.

Please, release me from this painful haze,
I guess it's time to go home...

© K. I. L. 🥀