

When she Called
I was riding my bike ,
Everytime it feels new
Beutiful trees and cold wind,
Was enjoying the view,

Everything was going well,
Until I saw her missed calls
And suddenly feeling uneasy as hell

Little excitement ,Little nurvousness
These are familiar feelings..
Puzzled in my head ,
Don't know how to deal with this..

In a middle of a thinking ..
She called me again
In the exitiment ,I cut the call
What a pain...

Made promise to myself long ago
That never speak to her again,
To let go of the memories and the
But then, the phone rang again..

Her name flashed on the screen,
A wave of emotions surged within,
I forgot the promise I had made
Along with the past regrets ...

Finally conversation ended with bye...
And it was so late in the clock
It feels like I am not finished talking to her...
And yet I don't have anything to talk

It's not the first time
That have feelings for someone..
But surely this is the first time
That I haven't got over of someone..

I know ,thinking about her
Didn't get me anywhere..
But still thinking about her...
Couse my heart doesn't care...

© Cosmo