

Wake up Silly!
Throw me into your glass well,
I'm sick of your smile and the scars.

If I was stupid, then you were dumb.
You knew so well how I felt,
Even right now.
Shoot me through my ear,
Make my scars disappear.

You screamed until you drowned,
It wasn't my fault.

Rip the harmonious chords, idiot.
Like you'd know how I felt.
How stupid could I've been?
And how dumb you were.

Can I ever be free,
From your sound and chains?
Or am I to drown?
And scream just like you?

Destined to swim, the river of yesterday,
But I hear the currents strange today.
I wouldn't know.
I wasn't invited.
And neither were you.

© ManWithoutSelf