

A Ray of Hope

You are my ray of hope,
The last string that held me
When I was falling deep down the ditch,
You came and saved me.
Before you I was a coward,
I listened to people
More than my own self.
You tought me that
Being selfish is okay sometimes.
I always feared what society would think of me,
You tought me not to care about them.
All laughed and mocked at me,
You believed I am capable.
You were the best thing ever happened to me.
The guardian angel for me.
I just wanna tell you that
The reason I wake up somedays
Is just you.
Whatever I am today,
Is because of you.
When no one trusted me,
No one stood by my side,
You were there all the time
Reminding me that I am best.
You are a Ray of light
That changed my life.

© Eclipse