

Freedom is why we live in america. The place that gives you all rights, to fight the good fight. We as people get scrutinized for speaking how we feel. Speak from the heart, speak from the soul and speak from the mind that's when you'll know. Our hearts are heavy with all the killing going on. Everybody life matters in this world. Shouldn't matter about the color. We all deserve to breathe the air. We all deserve to live. Retaliation should not be the answer to take away people freedom. Resurrection come to life and take a stand. Rise to your feet to form a plan. We need to show the youth how to do things right, instead of showing them the wrong way. Freedom is valuable. We know their is a lot wrong in the world l, but we aren't doing anything to fix it. Freedom, respect, courage, honesty and heart are key things people should want to have with freedom. We live in this world called "America". The greatest place on earth. People died for us just to live here and have freedom. We take it for granted, not knowing that it can be cut short. Live now and not for the future, cause it's not promised. Believe that we can make a change. It's starts with ourselves. Freedom we all deserve it
© David Rice