

Some Days
Some days it is best just to walk away
Walk away from all the drama
Walk away from the hatred
Walk away from the pain

Somedays it is best to say nothing
Nothing to the argument
Nothing to the unwanted advice
Nothing to the voices that want to give their opinions

Oh some days!

Some days we have to deal with the fight
Some days we have to face our fears
Some days we have to root for a team we don't like

Oh some days!

Some days we want to dress up pretty
Some days we want to lay in the bed
Some days we want to be left to the silence
And some days we want to hear our phones

Oh for those some days

Some days we want to bark out orders
Some days we want to hear a command
Some days we want to sit by a fire
And some days we want to lay by a pool

We all have days when we want to explore life
Days we want to cherish the ups and downs
Days we learn to live without borders
Days we just want to lay down our crowns

Oh some days!
© Sista Alia