

where there is truth there is beauty
The realms where truth and beauty dance,
Through eyes of love, in pure romance.
Existence sings in hues divine,
In every whisper, every line.

Through veils of time, in ecstasy,
Beauty's truth, a symphony.
In every glance, a universe unfolds,
In hearts of love, its story told.

With every touch, a masterpiece,
In tender moments, love finds release.
In perpetual bliss, it gently weaves,
The truth of beauty, in hearts it cleaves.

In purest love, existence thrives,
Through every gaze, it softly arrives.
In eternal union, they intertwine,
The truth of beauty, forever divine,
The roses align.

In forgotten time, where the only thing that exists is the truth that is in Beauty.

© @David_vs_a_word.