


Love is the most beautiful thing ever
Its the special bloom in never
And the bright shine in summer
the fragment glowing enmber

But why do I fear it so
Is it the clutching choke of expectations
Or the frightening stare of judgment
Perhaps the necessary acceptance

I've never been much of a believer, at least not in Love.
The idea of it is a sweetness I love to divulge in, albeit exergerated.
Making someone your world or becoming someone's world
Is more of a burden than pleasure

An overrated expectation
whose failure can be fatal to the soul
The damage in its trail lead me to believe
I'm better of not putting myself in the fantasy

But why so, do I yearn for it
The blinding thirst to be owned
Why so, do my heart ache, when I have these thoughts
Love, is a damnation we are subjected to

With or without choice
My heart ache to fill its empty space
The fear and insecurities,
No longer enough of a consolation.

With an open mind, I try to explore
But then I hear, the weeping cry of the prey
Whose tail has been caught in the trap
Like a scared cat, I hug my tail to myself
Convincing myself to reasons.
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