

the art of sex and seduction
Art of nudity is the art of naked soul
It brings a passion of emotions and deep desired feelings with it.

The brain stops thinking about any other thing except the nude soul and the naked body.
It's so beautiful when you can close your eyes and touch and smell every parts of the naked body...... And play with it and eachother.

A soft gentle touch can arouse such deep and aggressive feelings, no man no woman can deny the transformation of human in to a wild beast.

The blood rushes through the veins so fast and so hard, a man is bound to have a strong hard erection, and a woman is bound to have her nipples so tight and swollen.

The blood rush is so extreme that it gives no time to think at all, and both the aspects of love and lust starts to co-operate with each other and penetrate through the hole

The desires keep on hunting for each other. Scratches and marks keeps on getting spread all over the naked body
Untill the moment of truth comes

And the bodies are combined in to a piece of art work
The bedsheet gets wet and the colours of eternity can be seen clear and transparent.

Oh no no no
It's not a dream
It's a reality.
© M.P