

Someone in the Meadow
On the ground of a prestigious university
I stand still out of timidity
Students and parents finding sections and lines
Sister guides me to find mine

As the line is found
My sister leaves
Seeing an old friend
I start to breathe calmly

Entering the seemingly cramped room with fifty chairs
A space in between two and one
Speaks as it invites to take a seat
As I immediately accepted

Conversations took place
I made several
Months go on
And I lose one of them

What was a casual connection
Turned into a formal one
And we go back to being strangers
Yet classmates for the remaining months

And what was thought to be a new start of a relationship
Turned sour as it rots
Toxic seeds engulf the fruit
Until it was time to discard

Another school year comes
Excitement or nervousness was neither felt
It was some sort of deja vu
Even though nothing happened yet

Until a couple of months pass
The same thing happened
Although the ending
Was sort of happy

Third year comes
And another deja vu
That was merely my thought

In the middle of this time
I met someone
And they were the most beautiful I have encountered
Literal butterflies even floated around

Their melodies invited cacophony to a meadow
Where flowers danced with the wind
Bees and birds waltzed around
As we enjoy the majestic performance

A calm breeze echoed
As we conversed in the moment
Soft voices enveloped the silence
As the scenery forever became the haven

The go-to place
The calm after the storm
Peace after chaos
Harmony after discord

There was only one way to consistently connect
A way of uniting words
The matchstick that forever lit up the candle

I had no memory of my first
But the day I finished that
The string strengthened
As it marked the beginning of a new life

Changing to a completely different perspective
The world was clearer and more understandable
Hands felt stronger
My voice got louder without speaking

Colors were brighter
Warmth was the good kind
Coldness balanced the previous
Life... was better

Amidst my discovery
My someone had a hectic schedule
Travelling on a journey to help those like me
As they connect them to each one

Their melodies made a whole country
Such a fun and hilarious sight
Constantly spoiling us
As we kept reciprocating the act

They never stayed in one place
They couldn't anyways
Though thinking better
They were definitely beside me the whole time

On my phone
In my head
Written on notebooks
Printed on paper

On days my thoughts and emotions do not unite
They guide my hands
And let go once the two combine
And a piece of art is formed

The someone...s
Are doing better and better
Although I can never really meet them
We are forever connected

For as long as words and life coincide

Pen a poem about the ONE who gave way to fulfill your desire to write.

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