

Broken bond
I still can't bring myself to believe, how you left with so much relief. Why you left my heart mared and bleeding, why you chose him over everything we shared. I thought you said i meant everything to you. And that you won't leave me even in the thick of dire situations.

I haven't stopped thinking about you, even when i tried to. My mornings haven't been mornings since you left, and my nights have been filled with sorrow, with the thought of you and the memories we shared. How you used to rest your head on my chest saying it's the only way you could fall asleep. When we'd talk about the future, how we'd name our kids, and our dreams till fall asleep.

Times you'd call late at night just to hear my voice. Evenings when we'd dance to your favourite song under that tree we termed 'ours' since we were kids. I miss those mornings when we'd have coffee together at that small cafe and the waiter woman would grin at us and whisper "you two are so perfect together". She always admired the bond we shared. And she still ask of you, i just pretend saying we are fine.

I miss the days we would sail far far into the ocean just to get lost and have really deep moments like how they do in movies. The days you always poke fun at me when i slouch or slurp while we eat, or the times you'd giggle at my unfunny jokes so i won't look stupid.

The memories we shared are beyond the pages of a book, love beyond the imagination of you, bond beyond the strength of a hook.

Our love story was like a book with no ending, with new chapters each day until the morning you squealed and flared over a little argument, poured out your mind and left on my heart cuts and bruises. I've spent all nights trying to piece myself together again like a jigsaw puzzle. But your name still rings in my head.

I still find it very hard to forgive you, but I'll for the sake of me.

© Dele