

We Sigh
We sigh, because life gets us down and turns us upside down.
We sigh, because friends leave us and not even a goodbye
We sigh, when pain hits left, right and centre.
We sigh, when problems are too hard to bear.
When situations come we stay clear,
Trying hard to hide from its snares.
Fearful of the outcome of being tossed and turned,
We run. It seems not enough to stay put
For no matter where we hide
The problem, it comes in like a tide.

But, we realize it's not working,
we stand up to face the fear.
It suddenly gets weaker,
Unable to shake your firm stature.
Powerfully you declare it out!
And with no whisper, it is gone.
Gone for a better tomorrow.
Gone for new challenges ahead.
Gone so we can stand up again.

We sigh, but this, a sigh of relief.
We sigh, for we have overcome.
We sigh, the victory is won.

-Gizelle Fraser-