

You deserve a lot.

Happiness, grace, truth, love wrapped in comfort and flowers, trust and food, warmth, and assurance.

You deserve all of this and more.

You deserve smiles and tiny touches, beach walks and hikes,
Hot balloon rides and horse riding trips filled with long car drives with music on blast.

You deserve a car.

You need that too and discipline, self-control, and humbleness. Glowing melanin skin, and work.

Good work, Chinese lessons, and shein orders, approved contracts and Tafel qualifications.

You deserve good traveling and dinner dates alone. You deserve this and so much more.

Mostly you deserve love.

Love from what you have, what you will have, and love from yourself. Love yourself, Dee. Forgive yourself and let go. Heal because you deserve it.

You deserve this and so much more.


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