

Can't Get up

"You know if you get up you'll feel better"
But suddenly my bed has become even more comfy
And though I want to get up
I cannot gather enough strength to sit up
Even now im writing this poem on my side
Painfully clicking the letters while my wrist aches
My room is a heated mess surrounding me
There is garbage around my head
Inside and out I'm suffocating
The background noise is comforting
I stare at my ceiling with mostly blind eyes
Because it's more comfortable to sleep without glasses
But I need to get up
I need to clean and pack
I put too much effort into making that damn To Do list
Am I giving up again?
"You know you have a unit test on Wednesday"
My binder is too far away
And my desk is undeniably messy
I can't study anywhere quiet enough, either
Im suffering
Slowly dying inside
But I can't do anything about it in my mind
I lack the motivation
It's pointless to try and get up if im just gonna fall back asleep anyway

© Tannni