

A Thousand Years in Seven Days

A thousand years of trials and strife
Condensed into seven fleeting days of life
A journey long, now swift and brief
A test of wills, a challenge to relief

In one short week, we face the fight
To overcome the struggles of a thousand nights
The weight of ages, the depth of pain
Must be endured, and conquered, in this brief span

But still we rise, with hearts aflame
To battle on, and emerge from the flames
For in this crucible, we're refined and strong
Our spirits tempered, our wills made long

So let us march, into this fray
With courage high, and hearts that sway
To the rhythm of a thousand years
Compressed into seven days of tears

And when the week is done, and the battle won
We'll emerge victorious, beneath the golden sun
Our journey complete, our hearts aglow
A thousand years of triumph, in just seven days to show.

© mightypen