

Deep dead is all that should be given...

Clouded in their own optimistic fallacy
Of what life may hold in store for them,
They give all only to get nothing.
What a mess we're all in
Not knowing what will be gained at the end of the race.
And we keep chasing clouds of "Soulish" heroes.
Believing in mythic-mysterious preaches of hope
All are forced to be dogmatic to foul lies
Only to live their lives in shackles of imagination.
Scream let the voice crack and lost its sweetness
The mountain its height and the ocean its depth
Weep let it compete with the river
And sing and bask
In the rhythmic beat of life song,
It will still be the same to the sane.
Living is pointless
But leaving too is heartless?
Maybe it not just about the general name
Or the cherished fame,
It just has different questions for its own way
To pose which we can't hear in every souls, disdain.
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