

Happy Worlds Poetry Day
Today is a really important day in my life because its your day. I won't write a poem to appreciate or tell the world how much you matter to me. Instead I'll tell our story;

I remember how we met from five years ago, tho it always seems to me that you have always been around for longer than that and it just later turned out to be that you just appeared in my life like a light to my shadow following me everywhere ago.

I remember a little boy in sky blue trousers and jackets sitting in one corner of a classroom, Writing down how he feels on paper because he didn't have a voice like everyone that could be heard when it comes to expressing his heart.

I remember how you whispered into my ears, lines that made no sense yet they had much beauty and fire in them to me and to the heart of my longest crush in secondary school, as i wrote those secret letters to her.

I remember how you gave me a voice through written words to express the language that my heart speaks and none could understand but you.

I remember how you feel and how beautifully you smile when we finish painting a picture of words that describes our hearts.

I remember so many things that we have shared both good and the bad. I know we have still a long way to go before we become perfectly sync by heart, through feelings, body and soul.

For the amazing five years we have shared, I say thank you my dearest beloved. Thank you for finding me and being the light to my shadow.

Happy Worlds Poetry Day to all my fellow poets
