

Siren song
I could write about deep, blushing scarlet.
And the way it dripped from the sunrise.
I could write about the vibrant honey hue of the trail of sunshine on the sea.
I could write about the emerald shine of the brief green flashes when the sun went down or I could write about lilac and blue as if I could tell the world of how it glows when it clashes with the edges of you.
You are iridescent,
and rare like grape sea glass on a dense beach.
Costal shores free from populations fight to accumulate more beauty than you.
I am nothing..
more than drift wood,floating towards a chance of being found by your capouris palms full of calloused and scarred hand.
I could write about deep blushing scarlet and the way it dripped from the sunrise or I could write about the coral shine of your lips when you sang a siren song.