

a guy that changes like seasons

changing seasons hark new beginnings

like the shoots of tender plants on a spring morning

like the summer sun's light graze on one's skin softly burning

like the sharp wind that scrapes your face as a reminder winter's coming

like the leaves growing crisps in the woods on a brisk autumn evening

every changing season i find myself waiting

for a guy i once cherished who's never, ever coming

i rather this season i just stop expecting

for some prick who saw fragile hearts as one for the breaking

i wonder if you too feel like something's missing

that just the thought of me is all very confusing

they say changing seasons hark new beginnings

hopefully this time around my heart's more forgiving

so that i can finally be liberated and start forgetting

a guy who i spent all these changing seasons loving

a guy who's just awfully good at hurting

© daphne