

Water falls
Don't trust the water falls,
Chemicals and skeletons flow with 'em.
Don't trust the foul words,
They can take away your best of friends.

We got different opinions,
That we do not want to change.
We take sides and let them define ourselves,
Who we are as a person?
who we are as a human?

Most of us will agree,
If I say, how bad we want to go back.
Back, when we were free,
When we saw each other as human being.

Now when we look at this world,
We see disappointment around us.
Not because something bad is happening,
Just because we can not do anything about it.

It's frustrating I know,
When you want to change the world,
Change it into Utopia we all dream off,
But do not have power to change yourself.

Are you going to give up now?
Or make yourself stronger ?
Are you going to cry about it?
Or make yourself a worrior ?

Are you going to grab the opportunity to, make something good and new?
Or will you let it go, by saying,
It is what it is and let it flow,
In this water falls.

© @mellowlrd