

just feed the baby
So you're saying all I have to do is
feed the baby milk
pump the baby milk
or prepare formula for baby
but then you have to
wash the bottles
wash the pump parts
then I have to
feed the baby solids
but careful of choking
and make sure to introduce the allergens
and watch for reactions
what reactions
is this a reaction?
do we puree this?
can this be pureed?
wait we shouldn't give puree?
give them safely sliced chunks of meat?
what app can we use?
now she's gagging what do we do
oh you say that's normal?
oh but what if they don't want to eat it?
oh they want to grab the spoon
and smear it all over their face
but nothing went into the mouth
then I have to
wash their hands
wash their face off of all the blueberry bits
remove the bib
my wrists hurt from the tendonitis
but she still needs to be picked up
oh now there's a mess on the floor
so I
clean the high chair
mop the floor
clean the table
wash the bib
but the baby won't let me
she'll cry if I put her down
okay I've strapped her in a carrier
now let me clean all the things
the high chair
the table
the bib
the plates
the spoons
the pots and pans to prepare the foods
okay now it's finally time to play
no nevermind, it's time for a nap
now she woke up
what do you mean I do this again?

© ceceliawang