

Learning From History
The Roaring Twenties,
when life felt good,
going deep in debt
to grow the riches.

The stock market crashes,
taking it all away,
bankruptcy looms
at the end of the day.

Depression Era gloom,
when no means is found,
having to suck it up
and accept what’s left.

Survival becomes the fittest
in the changes of mindset,
getting creative to make
life feel meaningful.

The sharing and caring,
the unity of spirit,
to make survival
the tool to go forward.

The fix and repair
to keep the currency,
building resources
for future survival.

The way they learned to think,
the way they learned creativity,
is the way they learned
to face the hardships of life.

#hardship #creativity
#writcopoem #writcoapp
#writcocommunity #writcowriters

@Becky M Scranton