

Ballerina in the Sky
Another hour, another contraction, accompanied by another agonizing groan,
Contractions are getting closer together, oh thank God, soon my babygirl will be born.

Looking back on the day when I realized, I was having another boy or girl,
It was a peaceful sunny morning, I was feeding your brother, when suddenly I had to hurl.

A few months down the road, you gave mommy and daddy quite the scare,
At the hospital I saw you on ultrasound, twirling around, without an ounce of care.

Afterwards I was so relieved, seeing you on the baby monitor,
You were twirling like a ballerina and it hit me, your our first precious little daughter.

I thought about whether it would be mud fights or playing barbies with you,
Honestly, the only thing that matters, is kisses on the cheeks, and you knowing how much I love you.

I've been in labor for 42 hrs now, this pain has become unbearable.
One last push, not knowing what to expect, now you're here and so adorable.

I give you kisses on your tiny little cheeks, sobbing as I say goodbye.
I don't blame you for not choosing to stay here, you chose to be my Ballerina in the Sky.

Summer Power

© Summer Power