

Is Death The Only Solution?
Is choking yourself to Death The only solution?
Is hanging by a thread the only way to escape
The cruelty of this world?
Is poison the universal solution for all problems?
Does making your body suffer relieve your
Soul of the pain it endures?
You are larger than those problems.
Trust me, you are more important to yourself
Then you are to others.
Trust the image you see in that mirror.
You are more beautiful and amazing than You appear.
You exist for a reason.
You were born to do great things.
Life is a rollercoaster ride, Enjoy the Ups and embrace the downs.
Everyone in his world is tracking A psychological Atlantis.
Every head is a battlefield.
Every soul is injured and No one is truly happy.
If choking, hanging or poison was the only
Humans will cease to exist.
Death is not the solution, Life is.

© Shafat_Ibne_Ali