

Nature Can Be One's Best Chum.
The blue tinted sky
The birds were flying high.
The evergreen Bushes were the sequence of a pacifying breeze.
I amidst this got freeze.
I think no more of that I was in pain.
As I theorized, it was vain.
The enticing dance of plants and trees
The mellifluous singing of birds made my mind pleased.
The wind was whirling around me.
I felt someone fondling my hand and landing on a nature's throne
And placing on my head the calm crown.
How fool was I to envisage that I was lonesome.
When nature can be one's best chum.
The preeminent things can be seen only when we hanker to see them.
Open your wide inner eyes, let these angelic things get known well that no one is unaccompanied in this world.
When nature can be one's best chum.