

till the end
In a life where love's light brightly gleams,
A lived a girl though with tender dreams.
Her heart yearned for a love so deep,
While the boy does see's her as a friend to keep.

She loved him fiercely, with all her might,
But he saw her as a companion, a guiding light.
Their friendship blossomed, strong and true,
But her heart longed for a love that grew.

They planned to meet in the park one day,
Where her love for him she hoped to convey.
But fate played its hand, a cruel twist,
As she embarked on a journey she couldn't resist.

On her way to the park, her heart aflutter,
An accident occurred, tearing her dreams asunder.
Her life was taken, a tragic end,
Leaving the boy with a broken heart to mend.

In the park, he waited, unaware,
Of the tragedy that unfolded, a heavy despair.
The flowers wilted, the sun lost its glow,
As he realized the love she had tried to show.

Regret filled his heart, a painful sting,
For not realizing the love she had to bring.
Her unrequited love, a silent plea,
Now a haunting memory for him to see.

In that park, their paths forever crossed,
But their love, unbalanced and lost.
Her love unrequited, a bittersweet tale,
Of a girl who loved, but only to no avail.

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