

Cautiously Hidden Insecurities (Advice)
Cautiously Hidden Insecurities.

(unfinished, please comment)

Fly away, fly away.
Raven by the bay.
Fly away.
Oh tell me why you have strayed in such an auspicious way.
Lingering upon the shores of this bay here.
Simply basking on such a lovely day.
You will fly away soon.

More so the next day.
When I see that raven again.
Neither flown nor has it flown away.
still where this raven has perched before
Is when hesitation sets in.
Again, fly away! fly away!
Little raven black as night lurking out there by the shores of my bay.
What is it that makes you want to stay?
With a tightness in my chest, I walk away. Knowing You'll fly away by noon

As I lay my head upon this pillow in an enduring self afflicted blight of conflicting thoughts of yesterdays past
Caw, caw. From out of sight.
Brought to an alarming fright by an unnatural shriek.
Never heard around the bay.
Just outside this window here.
Cautiously with such guile of a thief holding in my contained fright.
I creep so as to ensure these old oak boards will not creak with every step.
leaning out just to peer at the calming sight where waves roar and break delicately draped in the moon's light.
Nothing out there that which does not appear to be but an all too familiar sight.
Endless at night.
Sleep I will fight.
Calm sets in again.
So I will try not to stir within thoughts.
So I will try not to stay awake.
How long will this take?

Day breaks early.
Weary, I am struggling with heavy eyes.