

Here's a poem,

"Why Did You Betray My Trust?"

In the depths of our bond, a crack did form
A fissure of deceit, a wound that would storm
The trust we once shared, now lay in shards
A reflection of your heart, where love once marred

Memories of laughter, now taunt and tease
Echoes of whispers, where secrets were released
The weight of your words, once a gentle breeze
Now a hurricane of hurt, that brings me to my knees

Why did you betray my trust, my friend so dear?
Was it a moment's weakness, or a heart that did fear?
Did the temptation of lies, outweigh the truth we hold?
Or was it a calculated move, to watch our bond grow old?

The questions swirl, like a maelstrom in my mind
A vortex of emotions, where love and anger entwine
The pain of your betrayal, a wound that won't subside
A scar that will remain, where trust once resided

In the aftermath, I'm left to pick up the pieces
To reassemble the shards, of a heart that was released
To find a way to heal, to mend the tears
To learn to trust again, through all the doubts and fears

But for now, I'm left with just this pain
A reminder of the love, that was lost in vain
A memory of what we had, now tainted by your deceit
A bond that was broken, by the weight of your feet
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