

An Evacuation
You blew it. The match has lit and the powder keg has exploded ash into my soul.
Crushing blow. Nowhere to hide and you've left me with not one place to go.
I've lost it all to the catastrophe. You laid me here with my heart left to rubble.
Your love was meant to build me up but here you left me as the crumble.
My heart torn out; my head a maze. You left me lost with no way to sustain.
I'm lonely here with no means to escape so all I can feel is the aching pain.
I can't fight the tears from turning this way; because all that I feel is rage.
And I won't stop myself from hating the one who left me locked up in a cage.
I've been planning so long for an evacuation so that I can set myself free.
In the chaos of the blow you must have forgotten not to underestimate me.

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