

My Star
I represent you like an star ,
sky as an respectable distance between me and you,
Twinkling it's light on me , just how I can see through your world .
Sometimes hiding behind clouds ,
Sometimes disappeared in the rain ,
But when every drop of water touch my body ,
I felt the closeness of you and me .
Every time wind passes through me i would know where it's going .
Just like every people, every thing in your galaxy hold an specific piece of you.

But what about my inner world ,
One-day it became chaotic with strange fearful voices and events ,
those harmed my self worth and self respect .
No where to escape I used you to cope with it,
by being imaginatively intimate with you .

Now I don't know what you're ,
Don't know what we are

Now stars Don't ecites me ,
I stopped being spritual.
Now You don't bring me hope,
I stopped making plans for us.
Cause you an star from another galaxy ....
Cause you're an star from another galaxy .

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