

**Is It My Fault?**
Am I the problem? Is it me to blame?
This chaos and pain, do I bear the shame?
I did no wrong, I hurt no one,
I tried to be kind, caring, and strong.

Forgiving hearts often endure the worst,
Those who tortured me, left me cursed.
Was it all my fault, this life so unfair?
People with their priorities, unable to care.

My messy life, too much to withstand,
Is it my fault they slipped through my hand?
Should they go, while I cling to hope’s fraying rope,
Burning with dreams turned to ash and smoke?

Is it my fault, this pain they inflict,
Used and played, left feeling tricked?
I give no power, yet I cannot fight,
Framed and shattered, lost in the night.

My heart breaks, my soul in despair,
Expected to understand, to always bear.
Bleeding and broken, I endure alone,
While they move on, my pain unknown.

Should I let them go, while I still hold tight?
To the fading hope, in the dead of night.
My dreams ignited, now in flames,
Is it my fault, they play these games?

I see them leave, one by one,
While I remain, under the burning sun.
Life feels unfair, a twisted game,
Leaving me with nothing but the pain and shame.

They had their reasons, their paths to tread,
But why am I the one, filled with dread?
Is it selfish to want them to stay,
While my world crumbles, day by day?

I never asked for this broken life,
Filled with sorrow, hurt, and strife.
Am I the problem, for holding on?
To the love and hope, long since gone.

I gave my all, I stood my ground,
Yet here I am, with no one around.
Is it my fault, I wasn't enough?
That my kindness was met with such rebuff?

Am I to blame for this endless night?
For the battles lost without a fight?
Or am I just a soul, worn and torn,
Seeking peace in a world of scorn?

So here I stand, alone and bare,
With a heart that still dares to care.
Is it my fault, this life of sorrow?
Or is there hope, for a brighter tomorrow?
© _areesha