

To Decide
My life is an open book,
That led me through every nook,
And every corner of discovery,
Of life's long journey
Days are long nights are short
My life is a mess of sorts
What have I learned from
My time here on Earth?
Days of my youth have passed me by
Days to come are a renewed suprise
For in my life there has been
Turmoil and life for rent
Beeing here with no plan
When will life not be a single strand
Ready to break slowly with the torture
Will I ever live life true and sure?
I have been a mother, teacher, cashier, packer, caregiver, cleaner , wife , and homemaker.
Even with all these roles I ask myself,
Who am I to be as a servant to the King?
What am I for the new ring ?
Where do I go;
What do I actually know?
Am I ready to live life or just
Rent my way through turning to rust?
Time to decide
No time to ride.
Living life is what I decide
Instead of standing by.