

Unburden Yourself, My Friend.
Your whole life you were quiet,
And didn't utter a word,
About your needs, wants and desires,
As if no one understood.

Scared to steal the light,
To bring the attention to yourself,
Remove the focus from others,
And make your voice be heard.

I met you a year ago,
And I couldn't understand,
How you live like this,
How this is God's plan.

I asked you questions,
About who you are and want to be.
I made you step out of your comfort zone,
If you appreciated that, we disagree.

I love when you answer my questions,
But I love it more when you ask me,
When you reveal your thoughts and emotions,
And you show some vulnerability.

Now you started talking,
Exposing your hidden scar,
Talking about your dislikes, and challenges in life
And that makes me smile from afar.

You're still careful,
Asking if you're saying too much,
No, I respond. Because honestly,
This is what I wanted, you being in touch.

It is not much at all,
You still have a long way to go,
This isn't all that's out there,
I'm not the only one who wants to know.

Contrary to your belief,
Others are interested too,
And if you lower your defenses,
You'll have more people who care about you.

You are not a burden to others lives,
Because I can certainly say that you ignited mine.
I'm not the only one from the other side,
That is saying, come on out and share your light.

© Naomi