

End of Time
Walking on the seashore,
Feeling every hot grain of sand.
Hearing every strike of waves
Back and forth, remembering everything.

Deafening sounds of laughter
Playing along with waves,
And building our dream castle
Reminiscing it, my heart suddenly aches.

You're not here to wipe my tears
And to sing me a lullaby, anymore.
Watching sunset till nightfall,
While leaving a sweet mark on my forehead.

In just a wink of an eye,
Everything turns to be our past
Our memories are still vivid and alive,
Yet you're not.

We used to do all of those things together,
Yet, here I am watching the sunset alone.
Beseeching for you to come home
Because you left my heart sunburned.

Little, I step immenint towards the sea
I don't want to mourn anymore
I want to be with you badly,
Even if it means end for me.


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