

Country child
History, is what his parents made by bringing him to this world,
Mystery, is the knowledge of what he will become when he grows up

So at 2 years old or more mama stops breastfeeding him, took him to a private school at 3,
the first day he cries as they left him at the school door,
next few years he graduates Basic school,
finds his way to secondary school, on his first day to secondary school, his chopbox is full, two new uniform and few things he refers to as " necessity" a smartphone,
he runs to the car owned by his and get a drive to the school.

In another story, another boy is born.
Mama didn't eat enough how can he be breastfeed well.
Stop breastfeeding maybe at 3 years.
No school fees for any early school, he follow the rules of the country, no school till he turn five.
No uniform mama will bath him, cloth him with what she finds of cloths,
She says to him "follow them to school" that's how he gets enrolled in a public.
He goes everyday till his name is written in "the school register".

Year's moves slow, canes marks for not paying "PTA dues" skipped class to avoid the torment of hunger by following his mates around for free food, atleast he got a uniform now his.
Finally graduate basic school.
Mom and dad tells him to get a job
Everyone has a start, some just have to.
Things that were free are no more free
He learn to cope,
Almost empty "chopbox" at least gari will get space to enter, he made it into Secondary school.
The many he grownup didn't get there
He count his blessing as he reach the school door with his things in the taxi.

We all have a story just like this two.
How it ends is what matter,
What you want to fight for is what you see when you look on
The story beginning tells you nothing about the future.
Who choose right has it planned
© Yazid