

The Banana Poem
I know someone very dear
Who is a banana , let's hear .
The banana goodness out of sight
Swallowed whole in one bite .
The tender sweetness
And delightful embrace of mellowness
Is too worthless to some .

They forget to see
All the goodness of that
Shiny yellow glee
Sitting on a worn basket alone.
When loneliness becomes too much to bear
Banana splits ! if they care
The banana turns all mushy
Thrown away into dark shadows.

But only a very few wise ones know
The true worth behind the faint glow
Toasted , buttered banana bread
Goes well with some strawberry spread.

The banana never was just a banana.
An enchanting panorama .
The richness lost somewhere far
Has now got back on par .

Wacky to think of how this Banana
Resonates with stifled souls .

Must be familiar, isn't so ?
Thou shall know
You my friend , must be a banana .

© Sleepy bear is wide asleep