

My Love Forsook Me
My love forsook me:
As I sat at the table
Waiting fervently for
His precious kiss,
He asked me a question.

I was on my phone
Looking for another game
That would capture my interest,
When he happened to saunter by.

I said wistfully & expectantly,
"Hey baby."
He paid me no mind
Until he passed back around;
Then . . . the ultimate question.

I answered him
In all honesty
That I was searching
For another game to play. . . .

Without another word
Or backward glance,
He left me sitting & staring
Wishing he would kiss me
Passionately & ardently.

Instead he kept on walking,
While my heart broke
Into 1,000 bloody pieces.
I felt entirely forlorn
As his back was presented to me.

His kisses & his hand holding
Are the only occurrences
That I genuinely look forward to
each day
When our sacred paths cross,
And I gaze on his beautiful face.

Yesterday was markedly unusual:
Instead of sweet kisses
And soulful dreams to dine on,
I practically get a slap in the face
And icy hot reality
to follow me home.

In this benighted world
That I live in presently,
I could do without this soulless pain
As a horrible unending torture
That I'm condemned to relive
Countless nights on end. . . .

Tomorrow will be spent
Holding my breath
Until I know what awaits me:
Heaven & his brown eyes
Or Hell & his blood-stained back.
My fate hangs in the balance. . . .

© Kris Bailey