

Just after a gentle shower you see a rainbow,
While going through the woods in cavorting auras,
The birds are all so friendly wherever you go,
In every tree they sing you a chorus, It's just the way it is, animal love me
and come to me some even fallow me wherever I go. There's a parakeet falcon, that comes to me when I call,
I never thought much of this, which is so much like I am, don't give myself much credit, because I always have others on my mind so I don't know what I feel, but nature loves me to be sure I love her back and do my best not to ask for to much. a lot of people talk to me of God and what they think he is, I've been kind of person that doesn't believe unless I see or witness or go through, and it seems to me though I see their point I see as mute the simple fact is this beautiful planet provides everything we need, guy a mother nature the world the universe too, take care of the birds and the animals for free what do you think it would do for us to. I do not try to be contrary how you feel, but the life of the empath is simply an impossible life and only they can understand, so it's with great sorrow that I've been in my head and look till tomorrow with a hope but a narrow view, it is lacking not stacking that they pray to a god they don't know it's true, the only one I can say for sure the only thing I can feel is just wonderful planet is here not by accident but maybe by a will of intent. two months like that on this page let's look to another instead this is the reason nature takes care of me and I get things for free, this is why birds warn me when things are around this is why I get the warning of systems going down it's with great sorrow that I must inject this narrow point of view, but if you look closely you'll see how narrow it is it's Apple move that's rarely taken and true. even the Bible and the Quran and all the ancient religious spiritual people said the true path is the one less tread it's Rocky and narrow. so I subject you to open your eyes and look to a new view there's gods all around us can't you see they do everything that we need. the every breed is God the ground we walk is a God the person we talked to is a God we are all connected intrinsically we are All One conception we are One and only and will always be. I love you all completely unconditionally and without hesitation. peacefully all I love you.
Thomas Ott
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