

They don't how it feels
Not letting me fly
Not letting me fall
Not letting me dare
They can't understand my pain
My pain drops out like rain
I am alone, like born to be so
Can't understand what's happening
But I believe in purpose but not people I can be good to people
But can't anymore
I can't see the screen properly because of the rain falling nose and eyes
My parents are trying to be my commanders
They are trying to lead my life
I tried and tried to get a flight to Independence but the flight is so high that
I can't even reach
I can't live like this, but I will live not like a slave to another person
Not hurting anybody with my words
Keeping my honesty
Living for different purposes and always
striving for that
My mother shuts the door just for the reason of its night, its society, and its life She says you can follow your passion
by sitting in the box made by your parents
Purpose of parents changes over time
The good and most divine people in the world
The people that may indirectly make their children suffer to death
After a long time spotted my urine
on the ground
Thanks for nothing
But the pain will turn of course it will

© turn