

I'll Be Here
I'll be here.
Wasting all my words to closed or deaf ears.
I'll be here,
unnoticed throughout it all as the way I have lived my years..


I'll be here.
Struggling to set my Faith over my Fear.

Setting my Heart over Love..

Setting my Cheers over Jeers..

They won't notice when I'm gone,
nor notice when I appear..

Despite never being noticed....
I'll be here.

Yelling through my silenced voice.

Seeking comfort where I won't have a choice.

Seeking peace within the noise.

The world is on my shoulders,
But yet I'm still seeking to hold poise.

I'll be there for me,
to wipe my own tears.

To the utmost top where I need my focus to veer..

Even when what was motivating me, becomes a stale in the rear....

I can count on myself....

I'll be here.............

© SotaylordOut420