

Would you take all of my misery and give me happiness
my Happiness would depend on the
Moments of insanity
Moments of doubts
Moments of "why me
Moments of impatience
Moments of calling the devil to be my angel
Moment of desperation
If My Happiness depends on these moments
It would be an endless trade
A forever Bargain
But I know you wouldn't do that
Can you listen to me one more time ?
Give me all of the misery but give my bloodline all of the happiness I can't have
Give me all of this misery my soul will accept this trade if it would give my bloodline everything I couldn't give
Accept this trade and I would never complain
A forever Bargain my soul and heart will forever hold
Give my misery a purpose
Torment me for the rest of my days and I would take it like it's my cure ; just let me see my bloodline smiling from ear to ear and I would curse and scream grinning from ear to ear .

© ~lisa xoxo