

Beneath the African sun's warm embrace,
In the heart of Malawi's enchanting grace,
There dwells a girl, a radiant gem,
A living ode, a poet's fervent emblem.

Her eyes, a reflection of the azure lake,
Glisten with dreams that gently wake.
Her laughter, a melody, pure and bright,
Echoes through the day and into the night.

Amidst the fields where vibrant colors sway,
She dances through life in her own way.
Her spirit, untamed, a river flowing free,
Binds her to the land and the endless sea.

With ebony curls kissed by the sun's soft fire,
Her beauty, a testament to nature's desire.
A radiant smile, like the dawn's first ray,
Illuminates the world, come what may.

She weaves stories in the patterns of her dress,
A tapestry of heritage, a vividness,
Her grace and strength, a living pearl,
My Malawian girl, my heart's unfurl.

In the land of smiles, by the Shire's gentle flow,
She carries a history, a legacy to bestow.
My Malawian girl, so dear and true,
In your presence, I find the richest view.

With a spirit as boundless as the African sky,
You're a testament to courage, I can't deny.
My Malawian girl, my heart's delight,
You fill my days and my dreams at night.

In your presence, I find a world so bright,
My Malawian girl, my guiding light.
You are the song, the dance, the swirl,
Forever cherished, my Malawian girl.

#visit Malawi
#warm heart of africa

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