

The Eyes
I force myself to see what I want to.
The eyes are a worm whole of ideas that are formed by whatever little light it makes catch.
It flickers and glitches closed, strayed images of the same story.
My mind plays tricks on me.
It tells me what I should think.
It materialises what I see.
So I must protect my eyes...
Bare it from seeing what it shouldn't
And if it does, changing the story so its less prominent.
But I am not programmed to forget.
It is a word my brain does not enjoy
It makes space for the hatred and violence
And leave whats left to the smiles and musical madness.

My brain is mad and chaotic.
It showcases from the catalog it has stored
And unless,
A button is pressed
, or a conversation is brewed.
Unless someone realises I'm in a worm hole of something I cannot control.
I will stay.
My eyes flickering like the images on that forsaken screen.
My brain playing like a tech company who obeys the rules of the channels.
I am mad.
Like those who sit on a couch and think they are nit the very thing they let their eyes see.
© Aayra owned