

What else do I require?
What else do I require?
The contentment in your eyes
Filled with joy, your smile.
The bright future ahead holding each other,
Regardless the storm that's dangerous
Of all the hurdles, the bond forever strong
Maybe at times one might be wrong,
Clashes or critical contexts
Endeavouring to break us apart, that's a good joke!
Little that they know, how can the blend be separated when it's mixed as one fully?
Say it be this moment or next, I still see you admirable
And the most happy view to my pupil.
Say it be days, weeks or even years
You will still be my best person
And what else do I require?
When I'm living at my best with you

© RR
#mydearman #Ialwayscherishyou
#mostbeautifulchapteroflife #lovingyou