It's A Journey Called Life...
A twisted road,
A rebellious journey,
A challenging code,
Towards life's tourney.
Sometimes greeted with love,
Other times with hatred.
There are some who walked out of,
Leaving memories that soon got faded.
The road is covered with cinder blocks,
With minds that are warring and tarnished yet peaceful and polished.
This path makes you walk, run, drag, open locks,
Locks whose keys were forever lost in the deep forest.
This journey makes you see all the colors of the rainbow,
As well as the darkness of the sea....
A twisted road,
A rebellious journey,
A challenging code,
Towards life's tourney.
Sometimes greeted with love,
Other times with hatred.
There are some who walked out of,
Leaving memories that soon got faded.
The road is covered with cinder blocks,
With minds that are warring and tarnished yet peaceful and polished.
This path makes you walk, run, drag, open locks,
Locks whose keys were forever lost in the deep forest.
This journey makes you see all the colors of the rainbow,
As well as the darkness of the sea....